Do You Qualify to enter the American DV2027 Green Card Lottery?

green card lottery registration
Take the green card test to determine if you qualify. Please enter the following information:

Please fill in the form below using only English characters
First Name: Last (Family) Name:
Email: Re-enter email:
Country of Birth:
What is the highest level of education you have achieved, as of today?   More Information
Primary School Only University Degree
High School, no Degree Some Graduate Level Courses
High School Degree Master’s Degree
Vocational School Some Doctorate Level Courses
Some University Courses Doctorate Degree

President Donald Trump
“Dear Applicant, this is your chance to legally live and work in the United States of America with a US green card.”

From the US State Department:
“The United States government issues 55,000 Green Cards every year through the Diversity Visa Program, commonly known as the Green Card Lottery. Applicants are selected by a random computer generated drawing.”